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2011 Call For Sponsors

Florida DrupalCamp 2011 will be held February 12-13 in Winter Park, Florida on the campus of Rollins College. Sponsorship opportunities are now available to interested parties.

The first day of the camp will be a 4-track learning experience and the 2nd day will feature a site building sprint where we build a complete Drupal site for a Florida non-profit organization. At last year's camp we sold out several weeks before the event at 175 people. For 2011, we've found a new venue and will be able to support over 300 participants.

We're offering 5 levels of sponsorship this year:

  • Platinum: $2,000
  • Gold: $1,000 
  • Silver: $500 
  • Bronze: $250
  • Individual: $50

The sponsorship money will go towards things like lunches/snacks/drinks for all attendees, t-shirts, rental equipment, and various other items. Please see the attached Sponsorship Levels document for full details on the benefits of each level.

Like last year, we're working with a local 501c(3) organization - the Central Florida Computer Society - so all sponsorships are tax-deductible.

The Florida Drupal community is growing rapidly - one year ago we had a single regularly scheduled monthly meetup happening. Today we have eight monthly meetups throughout the entire state! We hope you can take part in Florida's explosive Drupal growth!

For more details, download the PDF and contact us if you are interested in sponsoring Florida DrupalCamp 2011!


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