
T-shirt Sale!

If you missed out on Florida DrupalCamp 2011, you can still lie to your friends and co-workers about being there by purchasing an official t-shirt!

Check out all the details!

Afterparty 6PM at Shipyard Emporium

There are many awesome things about our after-hours venue this year:

  • Local ingredients - great sandwiches, breads and more
  • Hand crafted beer - made on the premises
  • Walking distance!

To find the Shipyard Emporum:

  1. Exit the venue and face the parking garage
  2. Walk to your left down Fairbanks until you pass Park Ave
  3. Look to your left. It is at the corner of New York and Fairbanks

Beginners Guide for getting ready available!

Great news for all those participating in the beginners track, a compilation of all necessary resources you will need is ready to be downloaded and installed with complete guide!

Visit: to read about it and be prepared before everyone else on Saturday February 12th!

If you need any help be sure to post in the Beginners Track forum at

Special Hotel Rate for Florida DrupalCamp Attendees

If you're coming in from out-of-town for Florida DrupalCamp 2011, then you'll be pleased to know that we've set up a special rate at the Winter Park Best Western Mt. Vernon Inn!

Every 50th Person Who Registers Gets a Free Book!

Thanks to all of our generous media sponsors, we have a plethora of Drupal-related books to giveaway at Florida DrupalCamp 2011 this year. To get the ball rolling, we've decided that every 50th person who registers for the camp will get a free book!

If you're one of the lucky winners, we'll let you know. Please keep in mind that when you register, your order ID does not dictate whether you're a winner or not.

You'll be able to choose your book when you arrive at the camp on February 12 at Rollins College. Books are first-come, first serve, so get there early!

Social Media Club Orlando Mini-Conference

Social Media Club Orlando has been invited to contribute a Business and Social Media mini-conference at the 2011 Florida DrupalCamp. Geared towards non-technical people, decision makers and social media professionals we'll be covering a wide variety of topics, including enterprise social media process, vlogging, community management, mommy bloggers and more, by speakers from local interactive agencies, major brands and industry professionals.

Florida Drupalcamp 2011 Session Tracks

We're happy to announce that in addition to a new venue (thanks Rollins College!) and (much) larger capacity, we've also added two additional session tracks and a dedicated birds-of-a-feather(BOF)/unconference room.

Attend Florida Drupalcamp 2011, Get Stuff!

We're pleased to announce that thanks to the generosity of our various sponsors, no one will leave Florida Drupalcamp 2011 empty-handed (or stomached). Your $10 registration fee not only includes a day-long program from local experts, but also a bunch of excellent goodies!

To begin with, all food and drinks on Saturday will be provided to all attendees at no additional cost. This includes a fantastic buffet-style lunch from a local restaurant (more details on this soon!) as well as drinks and snacks the rest of the day.

Florida Drupalcamp 2011 Website Online!

The brand-new Florida Drupalcamp 2011 website with a new "campy" theme by our very own Erik Baldwin is now online and ready to sell tickets!

The website is powered by Drupal 6 and utilizes the Conference Organizing Distribution. This distribution packages virtually everything a conference site needs to build a full-featured site to schedule sessions, register users, and provide information about conference-type events.

The site was built by volunteers from the Florida Drupal Users group.

Become an Individual Sponsor!

For the first time in Florida Drupalcamp history, individuals can now purchase an "individual sponsorship" in order to help financially support the camp. When you purchase your ticket for Florida DrupalCamp 2011, you'll have the option to add a $40 individual sponsorship in addition to your ticket. The entire $50 purchase price (minus the PayPal transaction fee) will be used to help offset camp costs including food, t-shirts, rental equipment, and signage.