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Florida Drupalcamp 2011 Session Tracks

We're happy to announce that in addition to a new venue (thanks Rollins College!) and (much) larger capacity, we've also added two additional session tracks and a dedicated birds-of-a-feather(BOF)/unconference room.

The two new session tracks are both for business and infrastructure. In addition to Drupal-specific business and infrastructure sessions, we're also receiving support from the Social Media Club Orlando in bringing in speakers to present in these tracks more general topics in the social media community. These sessions will cover topics like video blogging, open source and business, grassroots tech initiatives, and community management.

As with past Florida Drupalcamps, we'll have three tracks dedicated to Drupal development. One for beginners, one for intermediate, and one for hardcore coding and Drupal rockstars. Attendees are free to move from track-to-track throughout the day in order to pick-and-choose sessions they're most interested in.

Once you've registered for the camp, you can peruse the session schedule and "sign up" for sessions you'd like to attend (this will help us in planning attendance as well). Sessions you've "signed up" for then appear on your user profile page.

Finally, we'll have a dedicated BOF room - this allows for spontaneous discussions and presentations without a set schedule. For example, if you're interested in talking about Facebook integration with Drupal, and you find that other people at the camp share the same interest, the BOF room will be at your disposal to arrange an informal discussion or presentation.

We're really excited about the new additions to Florida Drupalcamp 2011, can't wait to see you there!


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